Basic Fingerprint Distortion (10/29/2024 9am-1pm PDT)


Webinar Date

Oct 29, 2024

Webinar Time

9am – 1pm PDT

Webinar Duration


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Instructor: Alice White

This webinar is adapted from elements of the Analysis of Distortion in Latent Prints workshop that Alice has taught since 2006. In this webinar Alice will introduce basic concepts in contact mechanics (what happens to the skin when it makes contact with a surface) and the transfer of friction ridge features to impressions under four common circumstances. We will explore basic touches and evaluate the changes that occur with the overall size of a fingerprint, the ridge and furrow width, feature type, edge shapes, incipient ridges, and wrinkles/secondary creases. Further, we will explore anomalies and difficulties presented by skin that wobbles on the surface, double touches/overlays, and double taps. Numerous images and videos will be used to illustrate these commonly encountered distortions. While this class is titled “Basic”, this course covers some challenging interpretation issues related to tonal issues created when the skin wobbles on the surface, sources of false minutiae, and the illusion of continuity created by double touches and double taps.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The attendee will be able to list the three layers of the skin.
  2. The attendee will be able to define compressive stress, shearing stress, and torque.
  3. The attendee will be able to define stick region, incipient slip, and gross slip.
  4. The attendee will be able to identify changes that take place in the size of a fingerprint under different deposition pressures.
  5. The attendee will be able to identify changes that take place in the ridge and furrow widths under different deposition pressures.
  6. The attendee will be able to identify changes that take place in edge shapes and feature type under different deposition pressures.
  7. The attendee will be able to identify changes that take place in incipient ridges and wrinkles/secondary creases under different deposition pressures.
  8. The attendee will be able to indicate the differences between wobble, double touch, and double tap.

Course Handout

Prior to the webinar (typically 1 – 2 days) you will receive an email link to a file or folder to download the handout and any relevant supplemental information. The main course handout can also be downloaded from the webinar platform at the time of the webinar.

Assessing Learning Outcomes (a.k.a. Quiz)

In order to verify the learning outcomes have been achieved, there is a 20-question quiz via SurveyMonkey at the end of each webinar. Attendees must score a minimum of 70% on the quiz in order to receive a training certificate for the webinar. Please note the quizzes are open-book and poll questions are given during the webinar to prepare attendees for the quiz.

Attendance Policy

This webinar may only be attended by the person who is registered for the webinar. Evolve Forensics does not permit broadcasting, watching, listening, or distributing the webinar or any of the webinar handouts to individuals who are not registered for this webinar.

Software Requirements: Attendees must be able to access GoToWebinar (webinar platform) and SurveyMonkey (quiz platform) in order to participate.

The following YouTube Video shows how to use GoToWebinar as an attendee:


Please contact Alice White via email at

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